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Post Installation

User interface customization

You can change the colors used in Quick Code components by going to System > Settings > Appearance (tab).

You can add your logo in System > Settings > Logo & Favicon tab.

You can add your support portal or any useful links to your customers sidebar from System > Settings > Menus tab.

Translating QR type page URLs

Starting from v1.17 every QR type in the front page generator leads to a separate website page. You will have to make sure that you have a created all required pages from Content > Pages module. Once you have all pages ready, go to System > Settings > Pages and add the URL of each QR code type.


The default installation comes with all required pages that are linked with each QR type in the settings page. You do not have to take any action if you want to keep the default set up.

Built in cron runner

If your hosting provider does not provide a functionality to add cron jobs, you can just visit the following URL ONCE and after that cron jobs will run automatically every minute.


Now go back to your System > Status page, you should see cron running. Wait for a few minutes to confirm that crons are continously running by checking the Last Run field next to the cron job entry.

Setting up cron jobs manually


If built in runner did not work, you may try the following method.

The installer tries to set up required cronjobs using exec function. It also tries to set up laravel's public folder links which is dependant on symlink function. Both functions might be disabled on your hosting environment and it might cause the installer to fail silently.

After installation make sure to add the following cronjob entry:

* * * * * curl your-website.domain/system/cron > /dev/null 2>&1

Also you will have to execute the following command to link laravel's storage:

php path/to/project/artisan storage:link

If your hosting provider does not allow you to create frequent cronjobs, and in case you have an ssh acces, you can do the following workaround, which executes crons in the background and keeps running even after ssh session is terminated.

Create a file called and add the following lines:

while true
    curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE/system/cron > /dev/null 2>&1
    sleep 60

Create another file next to it and call it and add the following lines:

nohup ./ > /dev/null & disown

Execute the script and get your crons executing indefinitely :)

bash &